Every year, we host an event for friends, clients and collaborators of the company, to celebrate our work together before the year’s end, and there’s always a creative aspect to proceedings. In 2019 we put on our aprons and cooked together to earn our dinner.
Collaboration has always been central to our practise. In 2019, we’ve collaborated ever more closely with our clients, acting less like an external agency, and more like partners on the same journey. So this was the theme we wanted to celebrate at our event.
We turned to the Underground Cookery School, in Shoreditch, who have a fully equipped professional kitchen. Over an evening, our three teams helped prepare a three course meal. We rolled pasta for ravioli (a very therapeutic and surprisingly easy process), learned how to fillet a sea bass (which had thankfully already been gutted) and prepared apples in about six different ways for the dessert.
Everyone got thoroughly stuck in, encouraged by the enthusiastically-poured champagne, and then we sat down to enjoy the fruits of our labours and some equally delicious conversation. Thank you to everyone who came, and here’s to an equally collaborative 2020.
Read more about our previous events:
Joseph Harries is Design Director at GW+Co