Our thinking on branding, business and strategy

Old Paradise Yard open studios

On 23 July, our Waterloo home Old Paradise Yard opened its gates to all and sundry on our first Open Studios evening.

Consistency of spirit, not of style

Where there’s a brand, there are guidelines.

Racing to the middle

We live in a templated, automated, crowdsourced, customised, retweeted world.

Underground reading

Observations on the state of ads on the tube.

Fine Designing

On 25th November we hosted a housewarming dinner in our Old Paradise Yard studio – Fine Designing.

The Children’s Garden

A new website for a kindergarten that does things differently.

Playing the Creative World Cup

Seven graphic responses to Germany’s romp through the tournament.

Peak screen?

We’re still creating more and more clever ways to show the same basic types of information.

Nation brands take flight

Picking the Bird of Britain.

After the handover

For us, the most important stage of a project is often when the brand is no longer in our hands.

A typeface that walks

Typefaces that have more than one weight are called families. I like that notion. They are like friends says Erik Spiekermann and I have a similar feeling towards many of them.

A tale of two experiences

I am a big fan of the National Trust. Every second weekend or so, I take my wife and children to visit an old family home, a beautiful garden or an ancient castle.

 No one lives in these properties. Yet they are full of life.

The state of the book cover

Book cover design on the radio.

Purpose: The Value of Authenticity

A webinar on how an authentic purpose can help your organisation thrive

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