‘It’s way exceeded my expectations’
Steven Fine, CEO, Peel Hunt LLP
Financial Services
Work undertaken
Brand strategy
Peel Hunt is an Investment Bank for UK small and mid caps. Following an MBO, we were approached to create a distinctive new positioning and brand programme that would lift the whole firm and position it as a premium brand in the minds of its clients.
Interviews and analysis produced a key insight: in traditional broker/dealer houses, departments often work in silos, to the detriment of clients. At Peel Hunt, Investment Banking, Research and Sales make joint decisions, ensuring a holistic perspective.

The new brand identity uses traditional elements in a modern design framework. The custom-made typeface is made of the alignment of an inner and outer shape, a reference to their joined-up company structure.

For the firm’s 25th anniversary, we produced a poster charting the last quarter century inside and outside the finance industry, as well as bespoke packaging for a 25-year-old single malt whisky.

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